Tips for a Romantic and Fun Getaway

Cliff Poe
April 6, 2021 Tips for a Romantic and Fun Getaway
Here Are Some Great Tips for a Romantic and Fun Getaway You Can Really Enjoy

Now that travel is opening up more, maybe it’s time to plan that getaway that you and your partner have been postponing.  Travelling can be a way to get out of the routine or rut that you are in. It can help you and your partner experience life – and each other- in different ways.  It is also good for stress relief, depression and anxiety.  Your mental, physical, and relationship health can all be significantly improved with travel.

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Following are some tips and ideas to help you plan and enjoy your time away. Not all these ideas will apply to you and your situation. Also, these ideas are more for the couple in an established relationship and not new and still in the beginning phase.

1. Leave the kids! Make arrangements for childcare or a separate getaway for the kids. There are camps for almost every interest, and your child(ren) will be able to make their own memories. Memories are also made by staying with cousins or grandparents, or other family members. You need this time for just the two of you, so don’t feel guilty!

2. Don’t refer to it as a romantic getaway. Firstly, this label will raise expectations and increase the pressure on you to make it romantic. Expectations are resentments paid forward! Take the pressure off and let go of your expectations so that you can both enjoy the trip.  Secondly, calling it “romantic” can give your friends and co-workers cause to ask questions about your “sex” trip. 

3. Discuss the cost of the getaway. Be transparent with each other on what the trip will cost.  Take into account pet-sitting, travel, shopping, events or excursions, etc. If you can’t take that dream trip to Europe or South America, then go somewhere less expensive this year and continue to save and plan for the bigger trip.  Discuss what you will spend so that you won’t have to think -or disagree- about it while you are actually on the trip.

4. Don’t go in the peak season. Try to plan your trip in the off-season so that you won’t have to fight crowds in traffic or restaurants or local amusement and entertainment venues.

5. Plan for your days off. Communicate and be clear with those at your work when you will be gone and when you will be back.  You may need to remind them that you will be gone.  Also, be clear with your family about your vacation and draw boundaries, if necessary, to protect this time with your spouse.

6. Make reservations for lodging.  This seems like a no-brainer, but this is part of discussing what you will do and how much you will spend.  Is staying at a 5-Star resort your expectation, or will you be spending very little time in the hotel and more time sightseeing, shopping, attending events, etc.?  Make your reservations accordingly. 

7. Book your flights. You can find deals on airline tickets if you try and are patient.  Google Flights is a good way to go.  You put in the two cities that you will be flying to/from, and you will be notified when the best deals are available. 

8. Pack as light as possible. Traveling with overstuffed and heavy suitcases can be inconvenient and stressful. Some airlines also charge per bag, which can take unnecessary money from your trip fund.  Comfort is the key when traveling as well. 

9. In-route entertainment. If you are taking a road trip, make a playlist of songs or groups you both enjoy.  Listen to them and sing along for some fun and memory-making.  Download an e-book or grab a paperback novel to read during layovers or while relaxing.  Caution:  Don’t bring too many books!  You might miss some of the best moments with your mate if your nose is in a book. 

10. Turn off the tech. Put away your phones, iPads, or tablets… even your Fitbit or smartwatch.  Do you really want to count steps during your time away?  Try locking them up in the hotel safe if possible. 

11. Eat, drink and be merry! Enjoy everything that you consume. This is not the time for a cleanse or to begin a diet, for goodness’ sake! Enjoying local cuisine is an important part of the whole experience for you and your mate. 

12. Order room service. Yes, there is that 18% service fee, but getting dressed and going out may not be the best use of your time.  In fact, it’s okay if you want to stay in all day.  Pamper yourselves and each other. 

13. Don’t get “all cultured” … unless that’s your thing. Rushing from historical site to site or cramming your schedule full of museum tours might impress your friends, but probably not! Certainly, enjoy things that you have always wanted to see and experience, but if you miss something, don’t despair. Experience next time! 

14. Take a “staycation.” If you are really good at unplugging from the rest of the world, and if there are things to see and do in your area, then stay in town. See your community through a tourist’s eyes and experience those things you usually are too busy to share.

Travel and enjoy new places with your love while you can. There is a special bonding that happens when you experience new sights, sounds, and adventures together.  As the saying goes, “No one on their deathbed ever wished that they had spent more time at the office.” It’s experiences and memories with those we love that mean the most.  These are priceless!

  • How can I plan a stress-free getaway with my partner?

    To plan a stress-free trip, communicate openly about costs, set clear expectations, and avoid peak season travel. Choose a destination that suits both of your interests and prioritize quality time without distractions or over-packed schedules.

  • What should I do about childcare when planning a trip with my partner?

    Arrange childcare or send the kids to camps or stay with family members to ensure uninterrupted quality time with your partner. Don’t feel guilty about needing time alone; it will strengthen your relationship and provide fresh experiences.

  • How can I make my trip enjoyable without overspending?

    Be transparent about your budget, choose off-season travel, and book flights and accommodations early for the best deals. Focus on enjoying the experience rather than expensive activities, and prioritize local food and casual adventures to enhance your trip.