Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Marriage Counseling Retreat

Cliff Poe
November 19, 2018 love recon Get the Most Out of Your Retreat
Selecting a Marriage Counseling Retreat to Best Fit Your Needs

A marriage counseling retreat can play a pivotal role in the outcome of your marriage. Just taking that first step of going to marriage retreats is a good sign that you and your spouse would like to improve your relationship. In order to get the most out of your experience, keep the following tips in mind.

Focus on the Bigger Picture

Couples who are having marriage problems may get into an argument in the days leading up to the marriage counseling retreat. Traveling together in the car on the way to the retreat is likely to exacerbate sensitive issues. A common mistake is to focus on that one argument the entire time you’re at the retreat. Instead, concentrate on the bigger picture, which is your marriage relationship. Work on letting go of any one particular disagreement in order to focus on the greater goal. Encourage your partner to do the same if he or she appears to be fixated on the latest argument.

Be Open-Minded About Marriage Counseling Retreat Methods

When you’re seeking marital help, one thing is certain. Whatever you and your spouse were doing prior to the marriage counseling retreat wasn’t working. Consider this when you encounter a method or exercise that you deem strange, silly or useless. When you are open-minded about methods, you allow you and your partner to think about the relationship from different perspectives. Don’t dismiss any of the techniques your instructors offer. One of them may be the key that unlocks a more healthy and rewarding relationship between you and your spouse.

Work on Yourself, Not Your Partner

When a marriage has become rocky, it’s all too easy to find ways to blame your spouse for the problems. To get the most out of a relationship counseling retreat, try not to focus on your partner’s shortcomings. Doing so places undue attention and accountability on your spouse. Not only that, but you’ll miss out on valuable lessons and information that you could have used for self-improvement. While at the retreat, work on yourself, not your partner. This is the best way for you to get the most out of the experience. It’s also the best light you can put yourself in so your partner can see you working hard to heal the marriage.

Let Others In

There will be other couples at couples marriage retreats. While the natural thing may be to feel defensive about displaying your marital problems in public, it’s okay to do so. Try to be open about your issues, even if it makes you feel embarrassed or vulnerable. First, it will help you to unburden yourself of deeply buried feelings. Second, it helps all concerned to hear that other couples have similar marital issues. Learning from other couples who are struggling is a valuable part of the experience of relationship counseling retreats. You will likely be pleasantly surprised at how sharing in a group setting can make you feel stronger and less alone.

Do Your Homework at Your Marriage Retreat

There will be exercises that you’ll be asked to complete in relation to your relationship counseling retreats. This may consist of a question and answer sheet to be finished prior to your arrival. Or you may have nightly assignments to do together with your spouse. You could also have exercises that you will be asked to do by yourself, such as mediation and how important romance is to you both. Whatever your instructor gives you to do for homework, be sure to finish it. Take the homework seriously because it plays an important part in the success of your outcome.

Are You Ready to Start Healing Your Relationship With Your Spouse?

Marriage retreats are a great way to bring you and your partner together. LoveRecon helps couples address and resolve relational issues with a four-day interactive marriage counseling retreat in Georgia and Texas. To attend an event in your area contact us today.