How to Build Trust in a Relationship

Cliff Poe
August 30, 2023 How Tough Times Can Build Your Relationship
How to Build Trust in a Relationship

Building trust in a relationship is important for its long-term success and stability. If one of you has broken trust, or if one of you has trust issues, these tips should help you build trust:

1. Communication: Open and honest communication is crucial for building trust. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with your partner and encourage them to do the same. Actively listen to each other without judgment or defensiveness. Be sure to validate your partner’s thoughts and feelings, even if you don’t agree with them. Validation means that you value them and your relationship and has nothing to do with agreement.

2. Consistency: Be consistent in your words and actions. Follow through on your commitments and promises. This shows reliability and helps establish trust. Trust can be destroyed in a moment, but it will take time to rebuild it. Be patient and be dependable and consistent.

3. Honesty: Be truthful and transparent in all your interactions. If you are not being truthful or forthcoming about something, your partner will assume that you may not being honest in anything. Avoid lying or hiding important information, as it can erode trust. Be willing to admit mistakes and take responsibility for your actions.

4. Respect: Treat your partner with respect and kindness. Show empathy and understanding towards their feelings and perspectives. Respect their boundaries and opinions, even if you disagree. Make your relationship “safe” so that your partner doesn’t fear the repercussions of being honest and dealing with difficult matters in y our relationship.

5. Dependability: Be there for your partner when they need you. Show up and provide support during difficult times. As the saying goes, “If you care, be aware.” Know what is going on in your partner’s mind and heart so that you can be there for them. Dependability builds trust and reassures your partner that they can rely on you.

6. Trustworthiness: Demonstrate trustworthiness by being loyal and faithful. Avoid actions that may undermine the trust in your relationship, such as cheating or betraying confidences. Avoid even the appearance or perception that you are not being loyal and faithful. Perception is reality to them, so don’t do or say anything that gives the perception of betrayal or unfaithfulness.

7. Give and receive forgiveness: Forgiveness is essential in any relationship because it is comprised of two imperfect people. You each will fail or disappoint your spouse. Learn to forgive your partner for their mistakes and ask for forgiveness when you make mistakes.

Forgiveness frees you from anger and bitterness. Forgiveness and trust are two separate things, but you can’t build trust if you haven’t forgiven. Holding grudges will sabotage trust-building.

8. Time and patience: Trust takes time to develop, so be patient. Allow the relationship to grow naturally and give each other space to build trust at your own pace.

Remember, building trust is an ongoing process that requires effort and commitment from both partners. The equation for building trust is: “Time +Honesty+ Consistency =Trust.”

It won’t be easy, but with consistent actions and communication, trust can be established and strengthened in a relationship.

If you want to know more about how we can help you build a strong marriage, please get in touch with me at or call 866-218-1716. You may also visit our website,, for testimonials and information.

  • How can I build trust in my relationship?

    Building trust involves open communication, honesty, consistency, respect, dependability, and forgiveness. It’s essential to be reliable, transparent, and patient, allowing time for the relationship to grow and trust to be established.

  • Why is consistency important for rebuilding trust?

    Consistency in words and actions is crucial for rebuilding trust. Following through on commitments and promises shows reliability, helping to restore faith over time. Trust may take time to rebuild, but consistency accelerates the process.

  • How does forgiveness help in building trust?

    Forgiveness is essential for building trust because it frees both partners from anger and bitterness. Without forgiveness, holding grudges can hinder trust. It allows both individuals to move forward and restore faith in the relationship.