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An Intensive Marriage Help Experience
With Guaranteed Results

4-Day Love Recon Intensive Couples Retreat 

Our Intensive Couples Help Retreat Produces Results

And The Break-Throughs You Have Been Looking For

Everything You Need To "Dramatically Improve Your Relationship" Is Here At This Marriage Help Seminar

Love Recon Intensive Cost, Dates & Locations

The Love Recon Retreat

Registration Fee

Normally $995.00 Per Couple

Save 40% Now, Only $595.00

Limited Time

What to Expect from our Couples Intensive Experience 

 Live Interactive Experiential Journey

(Non-Lecture Seminar)

Learn how to Communicate about Difficult Topics without Fighting

Learn Skills to Remove Barriers and Move Forward from the Past Hurtful Experiences

Obtain Clarity for the Future Direction of your Relationship

Facilitate the Process of Rebuilding and Repairing Trust 

Establish a New Chapter & Begin with a Clean Slate

Learn the Secret to Increasing your Love & Intimacy 

Find Peace & Calm within Yourself and your Relationship

Guaranteed to Transform your Life and Relationship in just 4-Days!

Normally $995.00 per Couple

Save 40% Now, Only $595.00

Limited Time

See what our Alumni say about the fantastic and transformative 

results they gained from the program!

The Love Recon Intensive Couples Retreat is a Specialized Program 

It is designed to provide couples with a focused and immersive experience to rejuvenate their relationship. This retreat spans 4 days and provides an interactive platform for couples to actively engage in various activities, games, and real-life scenarios. The primary objective of Love Recon Intensive is to assist couples in renewing or restoring their relationship, especially if it has lost its momentum.

Experienced Directors Facilitate the Retreat 

Our experienced staff will guide couples through a series of exercises and interactive discussions that address underlying issues, enhance communication skills, and deepen emotional connections. Topics covered include effective communication skills, conflict resolution strategies, intimacy, trust and so much more. Love Recon provides a safe and supportive environment for couples to engage in honest and open conversations and learn new skills and techniques to gain insights into their relationship dynamics. 

The Ultimate Goal of the Love Recon Intensive Retreat is to Help Couples Save and Restore their Relationship

Couples will have a better understanding of each other, revitalize their emotional connection, and establish a stronger foundation for a fulfilling and lasting partnership. Couples can develop a renewed sense of love and commitment by starting afresh with a clean slate.  The Love Recon Intensive Retreat boasts a success rate of over 95% in couples staying together after completing the program.

For couples who choose not to continue their relationship, the Love Recon experience provides valuable support in parting ways amicably and co-parenting their children as friends.

Benefits From Attending the Love Recon Intensive Couples Retreat

marriage retreat for couples love recon

A Better Marriage

  • Develop Effective Communication Skills
  • Become an Effective Listener
  • Heal from Past Relational Damage
  • Rebuild Trust
  • Learn & Fulfill each Otherā€™s Needs
  • Develop Relationship Awareness
  • Increase Intimacy
  • Deepen Your Connection
  • Learn Healthy Conflict Management Tools
  • Rekindle & Increase Your Love
marriage retreat for couples Love Recon-Relationship-Counseling-Woman-Arms-Stretched-400x266

A Better You

  • Rediscover Yourself
  • Heal from Past Damage
  • Find Freedom from the Past
  • Newfound Hope for Your Future
  • Increase Your Self-Esteem, Worth & Value
  • Increase Your Confidence
  • Grow as an Individual
  • Discover a Deeper Level of Peace & Joy
  • Find or Renew Your Passion for Life
  • Become Aware of Your Purpose
  • Learn How to Love Yourself

Register Now and Save 40% and Your Relationship!

The Love Recon Retreat  

Normally $995.00 Per Couple

Save 40% Now, Only $595.00

Limited Time

A Daily Overview of Your Experience At

love recon Intensive 

Day 1

Discover the Current Status of your Relationship and What the Future Can Hold

  • Awareness of How your Past is Affecting your Present
  • A Clear Picture of the State of your Relationship
  • How to Dissect an Argument for an Easy Resolution
  • How to Attack a Problem without Attacking Each Other
  • How to Balance Giving & Receiving in your Relationship
  • How Not to Take Advantage or be Taken Advantage Of
  • How to Give & Receive Love in a Meaningful Way

Day 2

Identifying & Addressing the Baggage & Damage

Holding You & Your Relationship Back

  • How to Make your Mate & Relationship a Priority
  • How to Get the Validation You Always Needed
  • How to Validate your Mates Feelings
  • Recognize & Address Baggage Weighing You Down
  • How to Identify & Break Down Your Walls
  •  How to Release Anger, Resentment & Bitterness
  •  Learn How to be Free from the Past Hurtful Events 

Day 3

Releasing Past Hurts, Baggage & Damage to Create a Brighter Future

  • How to Reboot your Relationship
  • Learn the 5 Types of Intimacy & How to Fulfill Them
  • How to Grow and Nurture Intimacy with your Mate
  • How to Identify & Meet Your Mates Needs
  • Easy Steps to Conflict Management & Resolution
  • How to Leave the Past Hurts in the Past & Move Forward
  • How to Release Yourself from Guilt & Shame
  • Learn the Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

Day 4

Building On Your New Foundations

  • All the Hard Work from Days 1, 2 & 3 Come Together
  • Discover the Key to your Life
  • Increase your Worth, Value, Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Define who YOU are Now - Without the Old Damage
  • Learn How to Discover your Purpose
  • Learn How to Set Healthy Boundaries
  • Celebrate all the Changes You've Made
  • Graduation

Registration Fee

The Love Recon registration fee is $995.00 per couple.

Couples are expected to attend the Day and Evening Sessions.  

Register Now & Save 40% (Limited Time)

Attendees are responsible for their own travel, hotel, meals and expenses.

Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident in our team and program that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. We can't promise to save your marriage or relationship. However, we promise YOU will find major healing and growth during our program. (Must complete the program)

Love Recon Schedule

Wednesday - 9:30 am - 9:30 pm

Thursday - 9:30 am - 9:30 pm

Friday - 9:30 am - 9:30 pm

Saturday - 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

You will have 65-minute lunch breaks and 90-minute dinner breaks each day.  Depending on the session, you will receive short breaks throughout the program every 45 ā€“ 90 minutes. Break times range from 5 ā€“ 15 minutes.

Senior man smiling while his beautiful loving wife whispering to his ear

A Better Marriage - A Better You

Normally $995.00 per Couple

Save 40% Now, Only $595.00

Limited Time

Love Recon Intensive Dates & Locations

July 17-20, 2024 - Atlanta, GA

September 25 - 28, 2024 - Atlanta, GA

October 9 -12, 2024, Bay City, MI 

November 13 - 16, 2024 - Atlanta, GA

For additional information, please email Lisa at lisa@loverecon.org or call 866-218-1716.


Can the Love Recon Intensive really help or save my Relationship?

We have a 95% success rate in helping couples improve their relationships and an impressive 80% success rate in saving marriages that have already filed for divorce!  

*If you are contemplating divorce or have already initiated the process, we strongly urge you to participate in the 4-Day Love Recon Intensive. This program is designed to ensure that you receive all the advantages and benefits that we provide to couples.

We can't promise to save your relationship, but we can promise that you and your mate will grow significantly during the program. Should you choose to go separate ways, the program will enable you to work together without animosity and be better parents for your children. 

Most graduates rate attending our programs as one of their top 5 life events! Attending counselors equate the program to be worth 2 - 4 years of therapy.  

How do I get my Spouse to agree to attend?

You are not alone. We get asked this question all the time. Take a minute to review our suggestions below that have worked for past attendees.

How can I convince my partner to attend?

  • Make attending the program about yourself rather than your partner!  When you bring up attending a relationship seminar, many partners tend to assume that you are trying to change them.  Unfortunately, this perception often leads to an immediate defensive response.  Instead, shift the emphasis of attending the program onto yourself by expressing your belief that it will aid in your personal growth and enhance your role as a partner for them.
  •  Ask your partner what concerns they have about your relationship. Validate their concerns and own up to the things you have control over.

Ask your partner what concerns they have about attending a Couples Retreat

  • Validate their concerns and share your concerns with them.
  • Encourage your partner to contact us about any concerns or questions they may have about the program.  We would love the opportunity to address any concerns or questions they have and ease their mind in most cases.

Love Recon does not push or force couples to stay together 

  • Upon completion of the program, you will have a clear understanding of the status of your relationship.
  • The majority of couples leave feeling as though they have a new beginning and a fresh start. 
  • The program helps couples release past baggage, damage, and hurts, increasing their love and intimacy for each other. 
  • Couples who choose to part ways can do so amicably, making the process of divorce smoother. Additionally, it aids couples in becoming more effective co-parents to their children.

How is Love Recon Intensive Couples Retreat different from other marriage programs?

  • Our Couples Retreat programs are carefully crafted to offer a dynamic, engaging, hands-on experience rather than a traditional lecture-style format.
  • Participants have the opportunity to immediately apply the skills and techniques they learn to their own specific challenges.
  • What sets our couples retreats apart from others is our recognition that solely focusing on relational tools, skills, and issues is insufficient. Through our extensive experience, we understand that personal growth plays an equally vital role in establishing long-term relationship results.
  • With our programs, you will not only tackle unresolved relational matters but also address personal issues, ensuring lasting transformation

What does the registration fee cover?

The 4-Day Love Recon Intensive Couples Retreat registration fee is $995.00 per couple.  This fee covers the cost of the program and the supplies you will need for the program.

Participants are responsible for covering their own travel, hotel, and meal costs.

What is the schedule of the Love Recon Intensive?

  • The Love Recon Schedule:

Wednesday - 9:30 am - 9:30 pm

Thursday - 9:30 am - 9:30 pm

Friday - 9:30 am - 9:30 pm

Saturday - 9:30 am - 5:00 pm


  • Lunch Break each day is 60 - 70 minutes.  We usually dismiss for lunch around 12:00 pm.
  • Dinner Break is from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm.
  • We have 5 - 15 minute breaks throughout the program.  
  • Breaks are usually every 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the session.

You can go anywhere you wish for lunch and dinner breaks.  However, we strongly suggest fast food for lunch due to the short time period.  Dinner breaks are 90 minutes, enabling you to eat at a restaurant. 

Do you have Questions?


Feel free to contact us for a free consultation, regarding your personal situation 

and to confirm our program is right for for you.

Call Now 866-218-1716

Dan was extremely skeptical Love Recon could help them but they both walked away as raving fans of Love Recon!

Feeling Skeptical About This Marriage Help Seminar?

Love Recon Marriage Intensive saved Dan & Cristin's marriage.  It helped them address and deal with issues that were negatively affecting their relationship. They attended Love Recon as a last resort before divorce. They had already informed their children they were separating. Dan and Cristin were both ready to walk away. 

After breaking the chains and finding freedom from the past, they were both able to let go of past baggage and damage, and forgive each other and others who had hurt them.  

To gain more insight into the Love Recon Intensive Experience,

we invite you to watch the video below. 

Help, Hope & Healing
A New Beginning
Resolve Core Issues in Your Relationship
Good Marriages Don't Just Happen
Take Your Relationship to the Next Level
Your New Future is Waiting For You