Keys To A Fullfilling Sex Life

Cliff Poe
March 2, 2023 Keys-To-A-Fullfilling-Sex-Life-hero
Keys To A Fullfilling Sex Life

A study of one thousand Americans commissioned by Parade magazine reveals that almost 90% of couples are happy or satisfied with their sex life. Further, about 75% say that their sex lives are “reasonably fulfilling.”

From this study and other research, the findings were also that:

  • Sex is best enjoyed in marriage
  • Spiritual or religious couples have the best sex
  • Cohabitation works against, not for, your relationship
Sex Is Best in Marriage

Despite what you see in movies and sitcoms, having lots of sex with numerous partners is not the most satisfying way to experience sex. The best sex is not “sex in the city,” but sex in the bedrooms of people who have committed to one another for life, according to “Sex in America: a definitive survey/” done by researchers at the University of Chicago.

This survey’s findings regarding the typical American sex life contradict the commonly held beliefs about partnered sex. American couples generally fall into one of the three categories below:

  • Having sex with their partner 2+ times a week.
  • Having sex with their partner a few times a month.
  • Having sex with their partner less than 10 times a year.

The last (and most boring) category is the only one where non-married adults rated higher satisfaction than married couples.

Some of the reasons that married sex was more satisfying are:

  • Married sex is more comfortable and enjoyable. There is a comfort level when you know each other well and are familiar with your partner’s body and preferences. You can explore and experiment with what feels good for both of you. One-night stands are usually not great sex since performance pressure and anxiety are involved.
  • Married sex is more vulnerable. Since you are more comfortable, you also can be more vulnerable with fewer inhibitions. You can fully let go and allow yourselves to enjoy each pleasurable moment. You also may be fully present during sex which enhances the lovemaking experience.
  • Married sex is available sex. You have the chance to “get busy” any time that the mood strikes. You don’t have to worry about who your sex partner will be and when you can have sex.
  • Married sex is creative. The two of you can discuss how often you want to have sex and how to make that happen. You can also talk about who will initiate so that you both feel desired by your partner. You may discuss what is always okay, what is never okay, and what is okay only if you initiate it.  Your partner can make their preferences known as well.
  • Married sex is loving sex. The best part of married sex is that you are in love with him or her. You become less selfish and more selfless as you seek to make your partner feel loved. Your connection grows stronger as you share emotional as well as physical intimacy. This kind of closeness increases excitement, arousal, and incredible sexual pleasure.

Even more remarkable than marriage sex being the best sex is this fact:

Spiritual or religious couples have the best sex.

You got it. The same study revealed that if a couple was religious, their sex life was more frequent and satisfying. They have more frequent sex, more satisfying sex, the most fun sex, and their sex lives are longer lived. Conservative evangelical Protestant women were found to have the most satisfying sex and the most orgasms – 32% reporting that they achieved orgasm every time. In those who were not religious, the percentage dropped to 22%.

Cohabitation works against, not for, your relationship.

The belief most detrimental to your relationship is the belief that living together before marriage will increase your chances of having a better marriage. The number of couples who believe this and live together before marriage has increased by 1,000% in the past 30 years. In fact, a couple who doesn’t cohabitate before putting a ring on it is now considered an anomaly in many areas. So why should a couple not cohabitate? In his book, Before You Live Together, David Gudgel writes: “Of eight couples that live together before marriage, four of them will split up, and they will not marry. Of the four that marry, three of them will divorce.”

So married sex in the context of a vital spiritual faith is better, more frequent, more satisfying, and more fulfilling – the best sex!

If you want to discuss how we can help you and your relationship, please contact me at or call 866-218-1716. You may also visit our website,, for testimonials and information.

  • Is married sex better than casual sex?

    Yes, married sex is typically more satisfying due to familiarity, vulnerability, and emotional connection. Couples enjoy greater comfort, creativity, and a deeper bond, which leads to more fulfilling and intimate sexual experiences.

  • Do religious couples have better sex?

    Yes, studies show that religious couples report more frequent, satisfying, and fun sex lives. They often experience stronger emotional intimacy and sexual pleasure, with religious women, in particular, reporting higher levels of satisfaction and orgasm frequency.

  • Does living together before marriage improve relationships?

    No, research indicates that cohabitation before marriage can hurt relationships. Couples who live together before marriage are more likely to break up or divorce, whereas couples who wait for marriage tend to have more stable, fulfilling relationships.