10 Texting Ideas For Your Love Life: Add some excitement to your relationship

Cliff Poe
July 7, 2021 10 Texting Ideas For Your Love Life
Add some excitement to your relationship with these 10 Texting Ideas For Your Love Life

You and your mate can use technology to enhance your love life and stay connected to each other if you use it correctly and effectively.  Use these texting ideas for your love life to draw closer to each other, no matter how long you have been in your relationship.  First, consider the “dos” and “don’ts” of texting:

  • Do use texting as a way to stay connected throughout the day.
  • Do give your mate time to reply, remembering that they may have been distracted by a coworker or a child or some other interruption.
  • Do share your feelings and send heartfelt texts.
  • Do use humor… if they understand your humor and won’t be confused or offended.
  • Don’t say “I love you” for the first time via text!
  • Don’t use texts as a way to avoid difficult subjects… or to break up.
  • Don’t overload your partner with multiple texts all on the same day.
  • Don’t use texts as a substitute for in-person conversations or phone calls.

Here are some ideas for types of texts to send to your mate to enhance and enrich your relationship:

What Is Margin In Your Relatioinship?
  1. “I wish you were here.” Give some context to this time-worn wish. For example: I wish you were here watching this sunset and having a glass of wine with me” or “Just waking up and imagining you lying here beside me,” or “Wishing we were enjoying this sushi roll together,” etc.   In a sense, this allows you and your mate to share the experience, albeit it vicariously for them.
  1. Whenever you think of them. “Just thinking of you” is a nice sentiment and doesn’t get old.  However, you might contextualize this as well and say something like, “ I just saw your favorite flower and thought of you” or “ I am listening to a podcast and wondering  what your opinion would be on the subject.”
  1. Referencing something only they would understand. Referencing a private joke or experience shared between the two of you can bring back fun or meaningful moments.  Simply texting a word like “Cancun,” if it was a place where you shared a special moment, can give you both a chance to re-live the experience.
  1. How they make you feel. “You make me feel like a queen/king.”  “Just thinking of you makes me feel like the luckiest man/woman alive!”  Don’t be afraid to be corny or gushy.  This is about love!
  1. Send them a song. It could be a new song that reminds you of them, or a favorite son or theirs, or your shared favorite “our song.” Sometimes just a lyric from the song is enough to say what you want to say, like “walking the tightrope with you.”
  1. Get gushy. Use superlatives and don’t hold back. “You are the most beautiful/handsome woman/man in the world!”  “You are the smartest person I know!”  “You are simply the best__________!”  Even though they may not fully be that in their own minds, hearing that they are to you will motivate them to want to be that.
  1. Thank them. Thank them for being there for you.  Thank them for something specific that they have done.  Thank them for all that they have brought to your life.  Don’t take even the little things for granted. Thank them for those, too!
  1. Text them what you are looking forward to that includes them.  It could be as simple as, “I can’t wait to see you for dinner tonight.”  It could also be looking forward to that vacation you are planning, the baby that’s on the way, or the new house you are saving for.   Sharing hopes and dreams help to solidify them into reality.
  1. Send inspirational and motivational thoughts and pictures. An appropriate scripture or quote can be the “pick-me-up” that your mate needs, particularly in a challenging and trying time.
  1. Prayers and wishes. A thoughtful prayer texted to your mate can help them and bless them on many levels.  A text that begins, “My wish for you today is____________” can help them to feel loved and supported and cared for.

Technology can be a tool to enhance the love and intimacy between two people in a relationship. These are just a few of the ways that you can use texting to nurture a deeper connection between you and your mate.  These are some great texting ideas for your love life. Try them out.  Come up with your own. This is just one more way in which you can make your relationship uniquely yours.

Need help with your relationship?

  • How can texting help strengthen my relationship?

    Texting can keep you connected throughout the day by sharing heartfelt messages, personal experiences, and showing appreciation. It fosters intimacy, strengthens bonds, and lets you express emotions, making your relationship more engaging and meaningful.

  • What are some texting ideas to enhance my relationship?

    Send thoughtful texts like “I wish you were here” with context, share private jokes, express how they make you feel, or send songs and inspirational quotes. These personal touches can help deepen your connection and love.

  • What should I avoid when texting my partner?

    Avoid using text for serious conversations, like breaking up or addressing difficult topics. Don’t overload your partner with multiple texts in a day and refrain from using texting as a substitute for face-to-face communication.